An Effective Marketing Model : AIDA

How Customer Satisfaction Surveys Can Benefit Your Business ?

Many times, businesses are faced with customers who stop business deals and decide to go elsewhere and the dealers wonder what went wrong.

Why do customers leave? 

It a major question that haunts you as well as other businesses. Everything seems to be going well with the customer bu then it happens that the customer ends the business relationship. There wasn’t any warning, no complaint but then the customer has left.

There are many reasons why a customer may seek for other services over you. If a customer ceases a relationship with a particular business and switches to a new business, it is obvious that the customer was displeased with the business’s products or services, or it could be that the new business offers:

-services with enhanced features
-greater incentives
-cost savings

Whatever the case may be, it is important to find out why the business lost that customer. Customer Feedback Surveys are designed so businesses can gather measurable feedback from customers. Businesses can use this data to build up the strategies to retain current customer relationships, build new relationships and continue to grow.

Tips for designing Customer Feedback survey

– Keep simplified questions and response options as much could be kept.
– Be respectful to your customers’ time, don;t create too long survey.
– Keep the questions that could fetch you most data.
– Rating scale questions make it easy for the customers to tell about the product and services.

Why its Necessary to keep a check whether customer is satisfied or not ?

Every business stands on the loyalty and the satisfaction the customer gets from them. It is more likely that a satisfied customer will come back to buy your products or services and even recommend them to friends and colleagues. This degree of satisfaction is crucial for business growth.

Customer Satisfaction is the base of your brand networking with more and more clients. Businesses must listen to and meet the needs of customers in order to generate sales and remain a successful, profitable business.

– Future Sales can be predicted using Satisfaction Index:
If a customer is satisfied with a product or service, they are more likely to buy it again. Therefore, you can predict what will be in demand in the next several months and even in the longer term.

– Evaluate the success you are getting:
Its always good and motivating to know that what different you are doing which makes you stand ahead of your competitors. It also motivates the employees to continue their great job. However honest feedback will also let you know your weak points, which will let you plan on those to improve and get more success .

– Setting up new Goals:
Sometimes customers’ feedback can show the real needs of your target group and what is in demand nowadays. There might be want of new product or service which you do not provide but it could be a new opportunity for your business. There can also be ideas which compile well with your current proposal.

– It is related with company’s profit:
Ignoring some of the negative feedback that can destroy a company’s image built over years, a happy customer will come back and will even bring new customers. More customers bring you more sales, therefore, more profit. It is as simple as that.

– Showcase your care about every customer’s opinion:
If you would like to get an honest opinion about your product or service, there is no better way than asking customers directly. Launching a customer satisfaction survey is a good tactic to show you really care and are open to communication.


A business cannot exist without customers. It is 100% true. If there’s no one to buy your product then that product is of no use. It will not bring you anything. So its very important to conserve your customers and provide them with whatever they want.

No one better than the customers can tell you what they need. So its very important to take their regular feedback and put your efforts in a fruitful work.