How to attract more traffic to your website in 2019 ?

How to attract more traffic to your website in 2019 ?

A marketer or business owner what they would like most in the world is probably “more customers.” Often comes more traffic to their site after more customers on the wish list. There are many ways you can increase traffic for your website.

Why more website traffic ?

Website traffic is both an important indicator and driver of business growth. It can help you to:
• Keep a check on how your marketing is working for you,
• Gather insights about your target audience to make decisions,
• Improve SEO for your website and search engine credibility
• Generate more leads and their conversions, and get more customers

But achieving these benefits requires driving traffic to your website the right way, and a focus on driving quality traffic.

Ways to increase traffic to your website ?

-Optimize your Website Content:
This is the foundation of the system. If you want to truly increase website traffic, you first need to make sure your website content is optimized. Otherwise, the traffic will be fleeting and only temporary. Don’t add the content just for the sake of showing a quantity of content but also maintain the quality. Optimize the content for SEO by keeping in mind the keywords.

-Get Social:
Once your website is prepared for more traffic, you must start driving traffic to it! It’s not enough to produce great content and hope that people find it – you have to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. For example, for the visually attractive content Pinterest and Instagram can be used for short contents twitter, etc.

-Write Catchy Headlines:
The content itself is not sufficient to engage the audience. First a catchy headline for the content is needed that could attract more of the audience towards it and compel them to visit your website.

-Start Guest Blogging:
Social media is only one part of the puzzle. You must also get your content in front of new audiences. Securing a guest post on a reputable site can increase blog traffic to your website and help build your brand into the bargain.

-Bid Others to Guest Blog on Your Site:
Guest blogging is a two-way street. In addition to posting content to other blogs, bid people in your niche to blog on your own site. They’re likely to share and link to their guest article, which could bring new readers to your site. Just be sure that you only post high-quality, original content.

-Interview the Experts:
Send out emails requesting an interview to thought leaders in your industry, and publish the interviews on your blog. The name would not only attract more traffic to your website but also your audience will get useful content and knowledge.

-Do Email Marketing:
Email marketing is one of the oldest types of Digital Marketing that is still highly contemporary and fruitful. Emails are used for developing relationships with the potential and existing customers that help you generate leads and ensure their conversions.

-Responsive Web Design Stays Ahead:
Make sure that your website is responsive so that the users have the ease to access it from multiple devices and still enjoy the best quality services.

-Site Speed should be Fast:
Make sure that your site speed is fast that is after going to your website the customer need not wait for the website to load fully. If loading time of your website increases then people will quickly leave your website and that will increase your bounce rate that would rank you low.

-Incorporate Videos in Your Content Strategy:
Now a days video content has gained a lot popularity. This engages more customers. Data shows that information retention is significantly higher for visual material than it is for text. This means that video marketing is more useful to gain the attraction and attention form the customers.