Make Pedagogy More Effective with Innovative Strategies !!

Make Pedagogy More Effective with Innovative Strategies !!

Make Pedagogy More Effective with Innovative Strategies !!“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
– Albert Einstein

Teachers in school need not make the child to remember some formulas, some reactions and some word meanings, instead they should develop a child’s thinking ability. Teachers need to develop the interest among the students towards gaining knowledge. They should work according to the the strategies that will help in better delivering and conveying of what they want to teach.

The engagement of the students in the class determines the quality of a class. As the time is changing, the interest in also changing. Traditional teaching method using a book , a blackboard and lecturing has now become boring for the students. The teachers should built new strategies and use new teaching methods to drive the students interest in learning.

The teachers need to capture each student’s attention and convey ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression

Ideas that will help reinvent teaching methods and make classes more interesting !!

– Incorporate Audios and Videos
Incorporate audio-visual study materials that supports what you are teaching. These can be short films or clips, audio clippings with voice modulations or other mind mapping tools.

Such tools will help their imagination power grow. It will not only help to grow interest among students and understand them better but will also enhance a student’s ability to hear.

– Connecting to Real World Examples
We live in a society where a number of things go on. Students get to see them and hear about them every now and then. So it will be easier for them to understand the concepts connecting to those examples or incidents.

Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn.

– Include Brainstorming Sessions
Keep some time for brainstorming sessions in the class. This will let students keep their creative ideas in front of others and will also help a teacher to know how and what a student thinks.

These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

– Include Various Activities in Teaching
For any age of the student, whether be of nursery or a 12th class student, will always love a change in between studies. Now this depends on the teacher how fruitful that change can be made for the student.

For this, teachers can include activities like role plays, puzzles, games, and much more that is related to the topic of teaching. This will change the mood of the students and interest them as well.

Also it will make students learn the importance of teamwork.

– Some Classes Outside the Classroom
Sitting and studying sometimes become so boring, we all must have experienced this. So a change of place especially close to nature can bring in the freshness.

Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

– Crossover Learning
Learning in informal environment such as museums, educational clubs, can link educational content with issues that matter to learners in their lives. Learning in schools and colleges can be enriched by experiences from everyday life, this will help spark further interest and motivation to learn.

A discussion based on these educational trips, exchanging of experience what each student got, can be very productive.

– Introduce Lessons Like a Story
Just think, why do we all watch movies with much interest?

You, we and everyone like to watch movies because there is always an interesting story to keep us engaged.

Like that, learning sessions become more interesting when you introduce it as a story.

– Learning from Live Experiments
Nothing better than experiencing something or doing something can teach anyone. An experiment being performed by the student will let the student understand what is happening and why. Not only the topics in the course but student will get to know more.

This will support the theoretical knowledge of the student. Teachers just need to make sure that students know the correct procedure and stay safe.


A forced and boring teaching for students will never let them learn anything. So its very important to make students take part actively in the teaching-learning process. This job an only be done by the teachers teaching them.

Hope this ideas will help you or your teachers to make the teaching effective!!