Straight Up Guide to Start a Restaurant Business

Tips For Making your Restaurant Website Tempting & Attractive

In today’s competitive market space, it’s very much important to have a stand out website.

A great restaurant website can attract new customers, maintain consistent ones and raise the overall profile of your firm all over.

But how to confect a proper website when you – the restaurant owner are busy with the other tasks of building up your restaurant ?

Well, no need to worry. We are there to help you.

At Benfie Consultancy pvt ltd, we design websites for all kinds of industries. We let you put a combination of traditional advertising principals with good experimental techniques with applied behavior analysis to the world as your website.

Here are some of the tips related to how a restaurant website should be so that it attracts more customers.

1. Do put the Basic Essential Information:

People visiting your website will usually fall into one of the three categories: a loyal customer, new local person, or a new person from out of the town.

So people of different categories will require different information. But every guest will grab to the most basic information: the address, the hours and ways to contact you. Do not make it difficult for them and force them to head elsewhere.

2. Unveil your Menu:

If the people visiting your website look for the address first, then second is what they will eat when they get there. This means it should be easy for them to browse the menu.

Your menu should have its own page on your website, so that the people need not downloads the PDF menus. Its very easy to keep updated your menu page with the changes you make. But with the PDFs it becomes tedious to update them. And moreover, once the customer will have to again download the updated menu.

3. Enable Online Ordering:

Online ordering is already widespread and the volume across the industry continues to increase.

If you do not offer online ordering then you are missing a huge additional revenue. You need to think for it as early as possible.

And if you offer online ordering, then make it easily visible and accessible for the customers. You can  directly display a button which will let them order through the website itself or else give the links to  whichever online ordering sites they use to dispatch food to customers’ home.

4. Highlight events to get customers coming back:

Many restaurants organize various events throughout the week, to keep customers coming back mainly during the slow months.

Make sure that your new customers know about the unique things at your restaurant.

5. Make it easy for customers to make Reservations:

If you take reservations, make it easy to do on your website rather than going to the phone.

This way the guest can easily know at what times are available without the need of calling any contact person at your restaurant.

6 Link your social account and posts:

Social Media is one the best ways to attract and engage more customers and share great photos and updates from your restaurant. Make sure that the link to your social accounts are visibly put on the website (and vice versa), and even include a feed of your recent updates and photos – it’s a great way to add more interesting content to your website!

7. Get some good quality photographs:

However, by linking your social posts to your website you can put up a great show, but keep some very good quality and tempting photos exclusively for your website.

You can add photos of the delicious food, the beautiful interior your restaurant, dining area, and much more.

8. responsive website:

Make your website easily accessible for your customers from any device. Your website should maintain the same quality on mobile phones or tablets as on the desktop.

Most of the people use there mobile phones to order online, or check out the websites.

9. collect email address for marketing:

Collect the email of the visitors to your site and keep them updated with your restaurant service. Email Marketing will help you make more customers.

Ask the visitors with a good reason so that they are interested in providing the contact information. For example, notifications about upcoming events, exclusive promotions, menu specials, or even fun updates from the staff.