How to Write Best Facebook Ads that Sell !!

How to Write Best Facebook Ads that Sell

Facebook is the post popular social networking site among the people of every age and every domain. And that’s the reason it serves as a better platform for advertisements by the companies. It helps them to connect to more users and build their network all over.

Its not that making a post every now and then will be enough but sure, you can throw money at your efforts to drive people to your Facebook Page and send them to your website, but that only works if you’re smart about it.

One way to do just that is create optimized Facebook Ads targeted at the right audience. There’s a lot that has to come together to make a facebook ad successful—you need the right targeting, a great image or video, and compelling copy.

The Perfect Facebook Ad Funnel for Generating Leads 

1. The top of the funnel : Awareness

Create a piece of valuable relevant content that tells people about what you are trying to sell.

2. Interest

Create a facebook ad promoting your content. Let it interests the viewers and engage more and more of them.

Target any human being who could possibly be interested, test with different images.

3. Consideration

Whoever viewed your ad, they must be interested in your product or your product impressed them a lot.

Use the facebook pixel to create a custom audience containing everyone who viewed your content.

4. The bottom of the Funnel : Conversion

After building awareness and convincing customers to consider your brand, the third of the funnel is all about delivering the sale.

5. Beyond the Funnel : Retargeting

Create a new ad targeting the custom audience that viewed your content, excluding your existing subscribers.

Tips to create Best selling Ads:

– Use Story Telling Style for Facebook Ad Copy :

Stories are something that engage any age group, whether it be the younger ones or adults. It can be emotionally engaging.You can take the advantage for same, and make your ads more engaging and interesting.

For example if a facebook ad speaks “Keep your Child Safe”, that gets people to stop and notice the ad. And when some incident related to same will be given in description many of the people at least the parents will surely connect.

– Write Different Facebook Ads for Different Group of People:

Something that interests you might not be that interesting for us, or something that interests a female might not interest the male gender.

So its important to target the audience group in a perfect manner.

– Your Ad and the added Visual should relate to each other:

Many smaller businesses—and even larger ones, don’t have a ton of visuals on hand.

This can result in an image that doesn’t go together with the ad, which presents a jarring experience for a Facebook user.

– One Call To Action is Enough:

The best Facebook ads have a clear goal. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, get a lead, or sell a product? No matter what, your ad should have a clear call to action . Without it, Facebook users will see your ad, but they’ll have no idea where to click, or what to do.

– Keep it Easy to Understand & Short:

Your first priority should be writing a Facebook ad that’s easy to understand for anyone, even a 10 year old. Your ad should immediately convey, what are you offering, how will it benefit the people and what to  do next.

While writing an ad you need not make a long story, be specific to the points and key features about the product, its benefits for the people.