9 Ways to Improve Guest Experience at your Restaurant

9 Ways to Improve Guest Experience at your Restaurant

In the ever-growing restaurant industry, go beyond basic. Aim to set standards high in guest satisfaction.

With the changing restaurant technology, some restaurant owners worry it could distract them from giving a delightful experience to their guests. But seeing another side, it could make your guests happier in the long run.

You really need to do something that will keep you a step ahead of your competitors and your customers engaged to your restaurant for a long time.

For an exemplary restaurant service, you not only need to focus the taste offered but also on how a customer is welcome & served, time taken to serve the food, and the dining atmosphere you provide.

So why not give the people that they desire for?

Here are some ways that will help you to delight your guests.

1. Genuinely welcome the guests & make them feel comfortable.

Drop the scripted welcome address for your guests. Let your staff welcome them genuinely just like they would welcome guests in their homes.

Customers do a lot of research before heading to any restaurant. It takes a lot to get customers in through the door.

When they finally arrive, appreciate the fact that they chose your restaurant by treating them like they are already a part of your restaurant family.

2. Reduce the waiting time for Customers.

Its irritating for all of us to wait for long.

Imagine yourself as the customer, if you are first made to wait since all the tables are booked. Once you get table, it took time for the staff to take the order, and after that the food was also served late. How irritated will you be ?

Nobody will like to wait too much for enjoying food. Try and reduce the waiting time. Accelerate the processes in kitchen.

And if in case it will take time, convey to the guests clearly and if they are ready to wait, kindly arrange some sort of engagement for them.

3. Gather & Implement guest feedback.

Nobody better than a customer can tell you what they want. So it will be helpful for you to provide services the way they want.

Keep collecting regular guest feedback and try to improve on the points that seems to be weak.

Don’t give any chance to the customers to head their ways anywhere else.

4. Find something for the kids.

If the kids are happy, so are the parents. By little offerings to calm down a baby or toddler, the parents will relax into a great experience that much faster.

5. Take payment at the table.

Guests prefer to pay at the table. When a guest asks for the final amount, they are ready to leave – hopefully they are satisfied with the service, so why let the last chance of making good impression be gone.

Don’t keep the customers waiting for the completion of the payment. Make it quick at their table itself.

6. Present with some gifts.

Give some pre-service and post-service gifts.

You can offer some small gift as soon as they occupy the table, maybe a bowl of soup.

And also just before they are about to live. Think more creative than mints.

7. Allow for online reservations.

Allow the guests to reserve a table for them, so that they need not wait. It enhances the dining experience.

By moving your restaurant’s reservation capabilities online, you can also record and save data about each customer.

8. Train your staff about dietary cutback.

At some of the restaurants, menu  clearly displays all the ingredients, so guests can easily check that.

But if not then your staff should know the menu inside and out both. They must not need to check with the kitchen, it will arise doubt in the guest.

9. Entertain Guests.

Don’t let the guests get bored at your restaurant. With an amazing taste, give them some freshness and happiness.

Arrange some sort of entertainment at your restaurant. For example you can have some games or a magic show or a live orchestra and many more.

Make your customer’s day memorable by giving them a delightful experience at your restaurant.

Make your restaurant even more organized and keep up to technological advancement, with a restaurant management system.