Strategies to retention your customers

Strategies to retention your customers

Importance of Loyalty Programs

Here are some Loyalty Programs which can be maintained in your customer retention program.

  • Special deals
  • Rewards
  • Discount coupons
  • Cash back offers
  • Redeemable points
  • Free merchandise
  • Exclusive lifetime membership offers

Retain Email Marketing

Email marketing acts a critical tool in creating new customers or keeping them coming in. For your business, if you own eCommerce store, your email marketing must at a particular stage. So, you need to look into the average time of your customers between shopping. Instead of promoting fresh products and special offers through email, prefer personalized emails to support current/previous customers shop from you.

Email after purchasing:

After the client made his first shopping, you can follow them with a welcome email and cross-selling opinions.

Email on either events or birthdays:

Emails set off by major events. It can be a birthday of a customer and abandoned checkouts, etc. These could be the effectiveness of retention tactic.

Reminder through emails:

If there is no shopping from a customer for a while, then a gentle nudge might be sufficient to pull them back with the email of a discount.

Give an Essential Support to your Customers

Supplying outstanding customer service is an art and it sustains the acquisition and retention of clients when done right.

Service means—listening to your customers and providing them with the essential support during and after shopping.

Nowadays, we have intelligent customers who judge your brands based on your response.

You should be an efficient problem solver when your customers come with their problems. Only then you could convert your new buyers into forever customers.

Sustain your Customers with exclusive Deals & Discounts

Encourage them to give their money and time generously and make sure that they advocate your brand with loyalty.

If they like your products very much or your service is perfect, they will get addicted to your brand for a period of time.

Offer access to deals and promotions exclusively through social media, any of your chosen business channels, or email marketing.

Be Grateful to your Clients

You can express your gratitude, by including a thank you card, newsletter, and some personalized letter with each shipped order.

Focusing your time and energy on this group, especially during the holiday season is a powerful way to boost your store sales.