Always dreamed of having your own restaurant business, but now not sure about which type of restaurant ? Are you confused for which restaurant type will let you get success ?No need to worry. You are at the very right place.Here we have several options for you and added advantages and disadvantages of each. According to your price range, target audience that you have decided you can choose the restaurant type.1. Fast Casual :This is one of the biggest incline right now. It is slightly upscale than fast food. It offers the ease and convenience of fast food, but with a more inviting sit-down atmosphere. The ingredients found are usually of better quality than that can be found at most fast food establishments.But being able to charge more, can undulate some potential customers towards fast casual.2. Fine Dining :With the name it builds a very fine image with that white table cloths to the waiters tux. It offers the finest atmosphere, food and services. It is also the highest priced type of restaurant you can operate. ​Pricing the menu properly, sourcing premium quality of raw material, and staying ahead are some of the challenges that could be faced.3. Casual Dining :As the name tells, the theme for the restaurant is casual, from the atmosphere to the food prices.It is typically more expensive than fast the fast casual, yet still offer a good value.With several unique touches to the casual dining, the business owners are trying to capture the millennial crowd as well.Competition from established chains can be challenging for independent restaurants.4. Cafe or Bistro :A restaurant not offering the table service is what called as Cafe. Customers order their food from a counter and serve themselves. The menu traditionally offers things such as, coffee, espresso, pastries, and sandwiches. A Bistro is somewhat similar to a cafe, the difference comes with the serving of may be an entire meals by Bistro.Some famous chains already exist such as Starbucks, which gives tough competition.5. Fast Food :Fast Food is the most familiar restaurant to most of the people. Fast food service attracted customers for its speed, convenience, and cheap prices.Its usually a chain based restaurant. For example KFC.6. Buffet :It has remained in the race from previous times. The customers serve themselves from a variety of dishes set out on a platform.Restaurant buffets are one type of restaurant concept that includes self-service and catering services. If you don't want to completely make this your restaurant, you can offer buffet on special occasions.7. Food Truck :If you are looking for an easy way to open restaurant and have not much budget, Food Truck is the option.It benefits with low cost, and low overhead, and the mobility.According to the crowd you cam shift.However, a food truck is still a business that requires a lot of work and attention- especially in the first couple of years.9. Cafeteria/Staff Canteen :Its a good option to keep your target audience decided this much, you can target the working people or the employees. Set Cafeteria near the workplaces or the companies. There is no table service; customers take the food they want and place it on a trayThey pay a flat rate or an amount for each item.10. Ethnic Cuisine :If you want to keep your restaurant simple, and around a specific type of food, such as Mexican, Chinese, Indian or Italian, to name a few.Hope this helps you decide which restaurant type will be best for you.A restaurant can be managed well by a restaurant management system. It will make easier for you to monitor everything and also smoothen the functioning within the restaurant.Want to make your restaurant more successful with restaurant management system?

7 Clever Ways that Save You Money

As a restaurant owner, you must be finding ways out to cut down the expenses. Employ these and see your profits soar!

1. Cut down your menu to the selling ones :

There must be few items on your menu that don’t sell that well. You can give the excuse of using the ingredients you already have, but if they don’t make money get rid of them.

It can be tough to kill your darlings, but you’ll have to if you want to make the most of these restaurant hacks.

2. Smartly plan your menu pricing strategy :

Its often tricky for the restaurant owners to incorporate the menu pricing strategies. But it can really help a lot enticing more customers as well as in cutting down the unnecessary expenses.

– Price your menu according to the type of restaurant
– Charge more for exotic cuisine
– Revamp the dishes with a special ingredient
– use relative pricing
– decide the right price for the right quantity

3. Prefer LED lighting :

Its the lights that make your interior even more beautiful and attracts more customers. Its very tough for you to turn off those lights at least during the operational hours but you can make sure that you use LED lights.

Probably switching over can save you up to $22 a year—and that’s per bulb.

It will help you save money as well as reduce the energy wastage.

4. Less Trips In and Out of Fridge :

Every time a person will walk in door, cold air comes out. Work on consolidating the trips.

The more you walk in the more money you are loosing out.

Try to get more of things together at a time, or first decide then move in.

5. Buy Seasonal Produce :

Try to use seasonal produce in your dishes, that would cost you comparatively less.

6. Conserve Water and Dishwasher Use :

Only run the dishwasher when it’s completely full. Probably everyone in their homes were told by moms to save water. This will save water usage, soap and energy costs.

And soak those dishes rather than run hot water over them to loosen the dried food. Consider installing low-flow faucets.

7. Invest in Energy Efficient Appliances :

The savings you’ll realize on each appliance can often pay for it within a year or two.

These may help you cut down the prices from normal but remember
cutting quality, portions, or guest experience may save you money today but can trouble you tomorrow.

So don’t try to keep the changes unless you get better for less.

Keeping essential for your restaurant will always help you grow, one such is restaurant management system.