Easy Ways to Attract Customers During Slow Months

Easy Ways to Attract Customers During Slow Months

Slow seasons affect restaurants at different points of the year. For some, the summer months witness a slowdown. in the summer seasons. As the temperature soars, people prefer to stay in their homes and order in, instead of going out to eat. For others, the winter months’ freezing temperatures and snowfall keep the diners indoors saving money. Try these promotion ideas to attract the diners during the slow months:

  1. Birthday Benefits:Everyone loves to celebrate their birthday and who would not love a free birthday treat! The options are endless and completely up to your business on what you think would be the best gift. For you free birthday treat doesn’t mean to throw a party. Some examples are a free drink, or a free entry or a free appetizer. This can bring in customer and moreover, most individuals celebrate their birthday with family or friends which brings in a larger group of people and orders for you. One way to collect the birth dates of your customers is through your website, which will increase traffic and give you the opportunity to  inform customers of other events and promotions being held.
  2. Happy Hour Mix:The purpose of happy hour is to bring in more customers and boost your sales during the slowest time of the day. Drink and appetizer deals are best for happy hour. What you usually call a combo, a complete package of food with some drink and offering some discount on that or anything can be a part of happy hour. By getting people to buy a couple drinks and split an appetizer with their friends, they’re more likely to stay and order dinner. However, at most places happy hour menus never change which quickly becomes old and boring for the customers. So changing up the menu can get customers excited all over again.
  3. Themed Nights:Themed nights can take many forms. For instance they can focus on your food and drink menu such as Taco Tuesday or other meal nights such as Pasta Night and Chicken Night.On the other hand, themed nights can be aimed at attracting a particular group of customers. For Instance ladies night, singles night, or couples night.These fun events can get customers excited to visit your establishment while also having a great time.
  4. Online Ordering:During the slow months its not that your customers hate your food or don’t want to enjoy the delicious food but they avoid going out of their homes. For this the best idea is online food ordering. They can order their food at their home and enjoy.For your restaurant to serve them its necessary to have mobile ordering app, through which customers can easily order their favorite dish.
  5. Remodeling the Interior:According to the season, give your restaurant a little makeover. You don’t need to give a complete overhaul to your restaurant’s decor, simply putting a vase of flowers can freshen up the place.During summers night events can bring in a lot of crowd for your customer. Do not forget to set up mist fans to keep your customers cool!
  6. Offer Discounts:The slow months for the restaurant also prove to be saving months for the customers. But on that if you want to attract the customers what better would be there other than providing some offers and discounts. Conclusion:Surviving the slow months means you have to change how you normally do business. Business as usual won’t work in this environment. You need to show your customers a different face of yours and invite them. Above are the ideas to bring a little change in your restaurant business. You can integrate these ideas with your own innovative ideas as well.