Essential SEO Ranking Factors You Need to be at the Top in Google Search Results

Essential SEO Ranking Factors You Need to be at the Top in Google Search Results

Want to get your website to the top of Google’s search results ?

Looking for the factors you need to focus on?

Well the SEO requirements keep changing. But to keep traffic on your site, you need to balance well with the changes.

Its very important for you to get traffic to your site, because that’s a way to generate more leads.

Google directly does not gives an official list of ranking factors, its the result of several studies which lead to some conclusions.

How Do Google Search Ranking Work ?

When people want some information related to some specific topic, they look for the particular words. Those are called keywords.

Google looks for the content of the site and displays the ones on the top who it thinks are the most apt, and while choosing, search quality factors are considered.

The factors probably be:

– purpose of the page

– the authority and trustworthiness of the site

– the quality, quantity and relevance of the content.

– website reputation , and may be few more.

Based on these guidelines, a user is shown with the results for what he/she was searching. The most relevant one appears at the top followed by others.

The Top 8 Google SEO Ranking Factors 

1) A Secured Website: 

The url of your website, needs to be of right kind, the one which is easily in reach of Google’s bots and can be crawled.

The google should be able to visit to your site and can look for the page content to understand what are you all about. You need a robots.txt file and a sitemap listing all pages.

2) Content Quality & Quantity:

It is one of the most important factor to be focused by you to rank ahead, or rather two, as quality and quantity both matters.

As mentioned in the working of Google Search Ranking, it considers the words people are searching for as keywords and that’s what your content should also contain which will show your relevance.

That’s why its so important to use keywords in your content.

And try to keep your content updated and fresh, that’s what SEO wants.

3) Page Speed:

No one will wait for minutes or even more than some seconds for your site to load, the users will simply head to other sites.

Google wants to improve users’ experience of the web, and fast-loading web pages will definitely do that.

You need to check the speed of your site, for the browser as well for the phone. Google has announced some limit for that.

4) Responsive:

Most of the google searches are done from mobile devices, so if you want google to show you then you need your website to be responsive.

Responsive means, your website should adjust according to the screen size of the device, and the user experience should remain the same of good quality.

5) Domain Age:

According to some findings, nearly 60% of the sites that secure place in top 10 of the search results re three years old or more.

So if in the initial age you have optimized the page according to the guidelines being mentioned here its an advantage.

6) Social Signals:

When people share your content on social networks, that’s another sign that it’s valuable.

It might not be a direct ranking factor for Google search but, the highest ranking pages usually have a lot of shares, probably because the more your content is shared, the more people will see it and decide to link to it.

7) Optimized Images

A picture can speak more than words. Its really important for images to rank well and get found by the users, especially for the photo centric companies.

For a photo to rank you need to keep in mind some factors.

– reduce the file size
– choose a descriptive file name
– include a caption
– add an alt tag
– add a title

8) Backlinks:

When your website is associated with a trustworthy site via a backlink, it becomes more trustworthy in the eyes of the search engines.

Overall, these backlinks from credible sites help your SEO because they show search engines that your website is credible and therefore valuable to their users.

Hope these helps you make Google find your sites easily !!