How Content Needs to be Optimized Before its Publish ?

How Content Needs to be Optimized Before its Publish ?

No matter the scale of your company or the industry you operate in, content optimization plays a major role in your overall online visibility and conversion rates. According to research, only 22% of businesses are fully satisfied with their conversion rates.

Even the most engaging content with all the right elements won’t serve the purpose if the search engines can’t find it. Before publishing the content there are some steps that you need to keep in mind to ensure that your content is optimized properly.

Why its necessary to keep Optimization in mind while drafting content?

In order to optimize your content you need to keep in mind the important keywords and links to catch the attention of the search engines. Some writers make the mistake of creating the content first and then try to put the keywords and links wherever they get fit.

Well if the search engine optimization elements are added after the content has been prepared then it will look random for the customers as the links and keywords are inserted just for sake. It will disturb the flow of the content.

If you want to write high-quality content with naturally embedded links, you need to know which optimization elements you want to add before you start with the writing process.

First, you should know your topic and your target audience. This will help you to search for corresponding optimization elements. Do some research for the keywords and valuable links.

Optimization Ideas

– Let the Format be Reader-Friendly:

We live in age of people with short attention, or skimmers what they are known as. That is why you need to keep your content reader-friendly so that the reader understands quickly what you are trying to convey. And also the content should keep them engaged and compel them to visit some of the links and spend some time.

For a reader-friendly format focus on:

-A catchy headline with some keyword
-Sub headings that include some of the keywords
-Using H1, H2, H3 meta-tags for titles and subtitles
-Placing keywords naturally and evenly in the text

– Content should be more readable and its length should be managed:

Focus on the length of the article because you need to write just enough so that the content doesn’t seem stuffed with optimization elements but not too much so that you lose the reader’s attention.

It can be very helpful if you can ask someone to read your article, web post, or blog post before you publish it. Having another opinions at what you wrote from a different perspective can ensure you that you will give the audience what they want.

– Add some Social Media Elements:

Social media is the perfect tool for raising awareness about your brand and what you represent. Its also a very important element when it comes to content optimization.

You should add sharing buttons and locate them strategically on a visible place which doesn’t distract the reader.Adding social sharing buttons is good for SEO because it helps to generate more traffic, drive more links.

– Don’t forget to include comments section:

Comments are a great way to connect with the readers, and establish a relationship. But what may surprise you is that comment section can also serve as an optimization tool.


Comments will keep your content fresh and updated and since they are part of the content that will matter to search engines especially if they consist of targeted keywords and high-quality links


It is not the quantity of the content that matters, what actually matters is the quality. A good content, contains rich and relevant words, engages more and more readers by its usefulness and simplicity.

So before preparing any content some research should always be done for knowing about the latest trends, readers’ need, and what existing content is there for the same. And always aim at providing information about what people want.

Your content will be a big hit and will let you make more customers.