How Storytelling Helps you Build Strong Connections with parents

How Storytelling Helps you Build Strong Connections with parents

Everyone gets interested in a good story.

Stories are all around us. They move us, delight us, give us the inspiration. Stories are a way we can reach a wider range of people and connect to them emotionally.

Telling deeply satisfying and meaningful stories is not a one time tool to use but its an essential strategy in communication and in marketing your school. If you want to build trust, enthusiasm and loyalty entrenched with your school’s brand, then storytelling is a boon.

As an educator, its a part of your job to convince parents that your institution will be a smart choice for them. You want them to spend their resources, both time and money, on your school.

Compelling stories will not only be remembered but get shared. Its one parent telling another one and then the chain goes on and that will definitely work for you.

Now the question comes

What Types of Stories Should Schools Tell? What will be so compelling for the parents ?

There are a variety of ways school can tell stories:

– History of your school, telling how you started, what made you to start a school.

– How your school is different from others

– Some success stories, telling major achievements by the students, teachers or the school

How to Build a Distinctive Story for your School

A story can really be of great help for marketing your brand, but that story should be strong enough to convince the people. Its not just about putting some words together and presenting.

Before crafting a story, keep your audience and goal in your mind.

Here are some tips to help you construct an unforgettable story for your school.

1. Have a Single Clear Message:

Your main message is the single most important point you want to communicate. Your main message should let the audience  know clearly whats there for them in it. It should be made simple so that its pretty easy for the audience to understand.

Yes, making your story simple, short and sweet is difficult. But it’s worth the effort to make your story great.

2. Structure your Story with a Powerful Introduction:

A continuous flow in the story is very important. To do the same divide your story into three parts:

– Give a powerful introduction to attract the attention of your audience, because they simply tune out the boring, repetitive, monotonous things.

– The second part is devoted to how you and other members dealt in that time.

– The third part describes your resolution

3. Your Story must sound Real and Relevant :

The trust is gained on how genuine and real you are. It allows others to connect with your school because it requires transparency and vulnerability.

People don’t remember facts; they remember how your story relates to them. Your school’s accomplishment should stay in the About Us section of your website. When it comes to storytelling the message itself should tell people its relevance for them.

4. Keep 5 C’s of a Story in mind:

Connect, part one of this story structure is about creating an emotional connection with your audience.

Challenge, highlights a common pain point- with the goal of helping your audience to overcome them by the end of the story.

Conflict, you want to establish the opposing forces that contribute to a less-than-favorable outcome for your audience.

Conquer, Now its time for a ray of hope for the audience about how you will help them end their struggle.

Conclude, give a final solution

5. Wrap up the Story:

Stories will help you break down barriers. The more genuine and real the story will be greater will be the emotions in the story that will let more audience connect to it.

Tell them exactly what they should do next.

This will help your school to win trust of parents get a lots of new admissions.