Restro Review

Slight Effort & Increase Positive Online Reviews for Your Restaurant

More than ever, customers these day rely on online reviews to help them figure out what to eat. For a lost of guests going out for a dinner to a restaurant happens on special occasion that does not happens every day. So they collect information from from internet, friends, family, customer reviews and in every possible way, and then finally decide which restaurant can provide them the delicious food and startling services.

With the popularity of the sites like TripAdvisor, Zomato and many more, collecting information and comparing between restaurants has become more easier. So its the online reviews that plays a major role in determining whether or not new customers will find their way to your tables. It can make or ruin your restaurants’ online reputation.

5 Tips to Increase Positive Reviews Online for Restaurant 

1. Create your own Landing Page for Reviews:

Your restaurants’ website may already include a nice testimonials page, filled with the declarations by your loyal and happy customers. It will always be in your favor which means a 5 star rating. Wouldn’t it be extra nice for the viewers?

Best way to collect genuine reviews is dedicated landing page- an online destination for turning customers into genuine reviewers.

2. Let your Regular Customers Glorify you:

If you have a solid base of regular customers who love your business and with whom you have already managed to have good relations, you can reach out to them and invite them to leave a positive review online.

Customers who have spend time building a positive relationship with your business will always want your restaurant business to success and stay ahead of others.

3. Respond to the Reviews:

Customers giving their genuine reviews should not feel a sense of ignorance from your side. Welcome every review.

If its a positive review then thank the customers and promise them that you will keep it up to  them always and even better.

And if its a negative review, don’t ignore it or get irritated about it. Be respectful to the customer, reply to them as well asking about what issues they faced. It will help you to be even better than now.

4. Keep your Profiles Updated:

Make sure that your business profiles on sites like TripAdvisor and Zomato are up-to-date with correct business information and attractive photos.

If a business’s page looks inactive or out-of-date, customers won’t be motivated to leave a review since they’ll think the web-page isn’t in use or of relevance to others. Monitor your online presence in a month or two.

5. Build better Relationships with Your Clientele:

If you are new to the business and haven’t established relationships with regulars till now, no need to worry.

Its the time to start. Keep a note of the customers who make a point to complement the owner or manager at the end of the meal as well as the customers who visit again.

Keep your guestbook up to date. Once you are successful at determining your biggest potential customers it will be easy for you to develop a relationship.

Reviews are the reflection of what customers get from your restaurant. Some might get it wrong but not everyone. If you’re doing well, if you have that potential then getting positive reviews will not be that tough. You just need to maintain a level of services.