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Things Teachers Should Never Ask their Students to Do

A teacher serves as the foundation of the school. The quality of education a school provides depends on the teacher not the administrator. A teacher can make kids do almost anything required.

Children aren’t just smaller versions of adults. They are their own kind of being. They need to move, talk, question, and explore more than we do, because they’re in the midst of the physical, and social-emotional growth that marks childhood in our species.

When it comes to behaviors like staying quiet or sitting still, it doesn’t make sense to hold young children, because the way they experience the world is fundamentally different from the way grownups do.

Here are some of the things that teachers should never ask the students to do !!

– Sitting Silent & Still for a Long Time:

We can’t expect an adult to be a child, in same way the school students can’t be always forced to behave like an adult.

Its their age to be cheerful, they should not be always forced to stay quiet. Its a very common and frequent instructions by the teachers to the students- keep quiet, or maintain silence.

Let them discuss among them for some time, let them present their thoughts.

Its not about letting class go out of control but allowing students to be the one they are.

– Forced Apologies:

It often happens in school, two students have a fight. And one of them or sometimes both of them are asked to be sorry for their behavior.

The forced apologies don’t seem to offer much satisfaction to the child who receives them either. We need to give kids the time to settle their emotions.

– Listen All the Time:

Students should be given opportunity to express themselves and to present their thoughts before all. That is how their thinking ability gets enhanced.

Forcing them to listen all the time might not help them much. And even due to lack of concentration they might not be able to understand what they are being told.

– Busy Work:

Busy Work means side assignments to keep students engaged. Don’t ask students to do anything just to kill the time. What they do, what they perform should be meaningful and helpful for them in gaining knowledge.

– Value Answers Instead of Questions:

During lessons students might get confusion that arises question in their mind or might be out of curiosity. The teachers should not end that with a forced answer. The teacher should give importance to the student’s question.

In a traditional classroom, the teacher is the center of attention, the owner of knowledge and information.

– Be Someone They are Not:

Every student has his/her own potential and abilities. So they work and act accordingly. They should not be forced to be someone who they are not.

You can’t compare the taste of mangoes and apples because they are two different fruits. Similarly every student has its own existence.

– Give Up:

A teacher should always encourage his/her students to keep trying, never quit.

If a student fails to achieve anything, a teacher should not demotivate as if its the end and they are good for nothing. It develops a frustration inside the student that he/she is not able to do anything.

A teacher, could be that lamp which shows the way out of darkness, for the student.


A teacher plays a very important role in building up the personality of the student. A teacher is a second parent to a child, who always gives hope to their child.

However, kids are kids. That’s what they can be and must be. They will grow with the age.