Way to a Super Successful Video Marketing

Way to a Super Successful Video Marketing

Now the time has emerged where visual contents are focused more. Talking about the videos, is continuing to grow in popularity and importance, which means it is vital to stay on top of the latest advances an statistics in order to create a strong digital video marketing strategy.

83% of study participants report that video content is becoming more important. Some of the studies also say that 1200% more shares are generated by social videos than text and images combined.

Well in such a scenario where videos have such gained such great importance, you best get to grips with the best practices for ensuring your video marketing campaigns smash your objectives and propel your social media forward.

Here are some tips to help you create compelling, interesting and actionable videos.

1. Make Videos Story Centered Instead of Sales Centered:

Customers come across a really heavy bunch of sales clutter that keeps annoying them. Don’t let your brand to be one of them, that repels customers.

Rather than concentrating on the sales, concentrate on the values you are providing for your customers.

Make the most touchy and appealing video to the customer needs. Don’t be scared of loosing leads, you can place an apt call to action alongside a tracked URL at the end of your video, that fits the overall story.

2. Boring Videos will do nothing, Use Humor :

Corporate world is not humor, that’s what comes in to your mind. But it might help efficiently.

Try to give something different than usual to the customers. They want to laugh, they need to enlighten their moods.

For example, we can consider the video ads for Doritos, Snickers .

3. Make your Video present the best 8-10 seconds ever:

According to the studies, 65% of people skip online video ads, and the ones visiting, one fifth of your viewers will click away in less than 10 seconds.

That’s why its recommended by the video experts to keep the video ads short and to the point. It should immediately convey its value.

In your video ad, try to increase the viewers curiosity, try to involve them completely in your video.

4. Tag Up your videos for SEO:

Tag up your videos with relevant keywords, it identifies what the video is of at its most primary and objective level. It is the first step to ranking your video in YouTube search results.

5. Prove Yourself :

Visuals can be a great source of learning, it boosts the information retention. Videos can also provide social proof for your product or service. When creating video success stories focus on the story of your customer and the success he/she achieved from using your product/service.

Benefits of Video Marketing

The benefits of video marketing are many. Some of those are:

– Videos help you connect better with your audience. Video is the bridge that links what you say to who you really are.

– Videos boost the information retention. A customer is most likely to remember an information seen as a video as compared to something heard without any visuals.

Customers love videos, and as the stats of video marketing has increased over the years, your would-be customers will be more attracted by the videos.

– Customers prefer to watch a product video rather than reading a description. It helps them better understand the product.

– Video is a gold mine of SEO, helping build back-links to your site, getting more likes and shares and getting an increased traffic.