How to Write Best Facebook Ads that Sell !!

Tips to Write The Best Google Ads

Every day you’re hustling to compete with thousands of other advertisers bidding on the same keyword. And you’re trying to get those clicks and send traffic to your landing pages.

There are some tricks you can use to make your ads stand out, you need to make sure that the words in your ads are speaking to your audience, convincing them to click.

To make such ads you just need to keep it peculiar. Here are some tips fpr the same.

1. A Catchy Headline:

The first thing that will gain the customers’ or the viewers’ attention is the headline that is most prominently visible. This is is the first line of the ad and the right place to draw the searcher in, and let them know you have a mobile-friendly offer, product, or service.

For example, Shop a sale near you .

2. Dominant Features in Descriptions:

This won’t necessarily differ much from the desktop headline, often you will want to keep that short message for the users to view easily on the mobile phones.

Some 4-5 words description regarding the distance or the time that might help the viewer can be added.

3. Leverage Keywords Where Possible

Its a good practice to include keywords that mirror the searcher’s query. This way we can tell them that the are in the right place.

Its necessary to add clear and exact keywords that fairly matches with the customers’ query. Don’t just stuff in as many as you can. An ad only stuffed with the keywords is not likely to convey the message and that could be even worse than an ad without keywords.

Its better for you to test keyword placement within ads to see what works best. You can place keywords in headings or in the description.

4. Include Call to Action:

What you finally want is the visitor to take specific action. For some it might be purchasing time, for some if might mean filling out a query form, or anything that visitor wishes.

No matter the action, it is important either to use that phrasing in the ad or give them a clue as to what you want.

Once the visitor has got a clear idea after seeing the Ad, they set up their expectations. They should click through a landing page that mirror same call to action. And if a general call to action is put in the ad, make sure landing page cover proper information.

5. Be As Specific As the User’s Query:

Lets take an example, if a customer searches for Nike Women Shoes and some ads are being shown telling Best Option for Women Footwear, another says Nike Shoes for Women. So there are greater chances that the customer clicks to the second ad.

If they’re not being specific, in other words, you can keep your ad relatively broad and cover the basics. If they are being more specific, you should try to match whatever their query is.

6. Sitelinks

Sitelinks are simply additional text and links that can show up with ad. Ideally, you should leverage these to add supporting information to the primary ad copy in the ad group.

7. Location

If you have a physical location you should make it easy for the users to find the location. Assuming that the customer has searched for a location nearby, help them with the location.


Writing ads is a combination of creativity and science. You just cannot be strongly algorithm specific. An artistic side needs t speak to other people.

Give these best practices a shot and let us know your results! Which was the biggest help to you? What have you seen work best in your ad? Share with us in the comments!!