Restro Review

Learn to Deal with Negative Customer Feedback for Your E-Commerce Business

The e-commerce business started with the notion of “convenience”. Online retailers offered unique products and services to improve customer experience through the digital platform. However, initially,  the emphasis was more on creating the need for online buying and selling mediums with little scope for feedback.

But now as the time has proved to be very competitive for the e-commerce business, every business wants to show that they best satisfy the customer needs. For this the trend of customer feedback came into time.

Customers give their genuine reviews to you as well as their surroundings. Be it a positive or a negative review as a e-commerce business owner you should respect both.

However, a negative review will help you more for your business, its a great chance for you to identify what can make your customers love you more.

But what most of the business owners face problem in is how to handle the negative comments and reviews. So here are some ways in which they can be handled.

– Respectfully Respond on the Dot:

At the point when a negative review arrives up on your site, the main thing you should do is to respond respectfully as you will do for the positive reviews. Bad reviews cannot be disregarded.

Instantaneously responding to the negative reviews give a sense of your care towards the customers. Responding rapidly demonstrates that you stay tuned with the customer reviews.

Irrespective of the truth of the review never erase a negative comment. It will be disrespectful for the customer and it will surely angry one.

The main way a genuine bad review may vanish is by addressing to it head on and taking care of it. Reply them asking for the inconvenience they faced.

– Research into the Incident Offline to help the customer:

Once you received the customers’ reply about what issues they faced, be grateful for the second chance and solve those problems for the customer.

Reach the customer personally. Send them message or an e-mail or call them to take their views how you can make it right. This kind of effort even urge them to change their review without your appeal.

– Appeal the Customer to Revise the Review:

Once you have corrected the thing for your customer and now that they are happyand satisfied, allow a brief period to pass.

Again contact them and ask if they faced any problem again or everything is fine. Find a perfect chance for you to politely ask them to think over the existing review and if they could revise it or delete it.

You should not force them to do so but let it be like an appeal.

– Pay Attention to Negative Reviews & Turn it around for new Customers:

Mostly, individuals who leave negative reviews aren’t to defame you. They simply need to express their opinion about the experience. Take such reviews on their benefits, as they may uncover an area of your business that could profit by progress.

And moreover every review with 4 or 5 stars,potential customers could end up suspicious, feeling that the reviews are “produced” rather than being left by real customers.

Now by dealing with these few negative feedback you get an opportunity to show the customers that you care about them and also it will help you find your weaknesses.


The way you will handle such reviews will let your potential customers see your positive attitude and think of you as reliable. That is the intensity of a customer review. That is the reason you need to be quick over such issues.

Negative reviews are not excessively bad. They can support your business, they’re easy to handle and you can easily combat them by simply getting more reviews all in all.